I have put together a very simple and short step by step process of how I make a $100 a day using StumbleUpon and LinkBucks. I know $100 a day isn’t a huge amount of money, but added on to your regular job you can start a good savings account or have extra money for the bills.
Step 1
First of all you are going to have to create a Stumbleupon account if you haven’t already. To create an account, go to Stumbleupon by Clicking Here. Follow the directions on how to make an account on Stumbleupon and download the toolbar to your browser. It’s very simple and shouldn’t take more than 10 mins. Also, when you click on the Stumbleupon link you are going to see a sample of Linkbucks in action!Step 2

- Click here to see Stumbleupon Banner Ad Version
- Click here to see Stumbleupon Pop Up Ad Version
- Click here to see Stumbleupon Intermission Ad Version
Step 3
I said I was going to keep this short, so I will make this the last step. First of all, spend some time with Stumbleupon and Linkbucks, play around with the different setting and get use to the interface. Once you have used both the sites and understand how they work here’s what you do. First, if you used Stumbleupon you have noticed that they show some of the most popular sites on their homepage, if you haven’t noticed go look. These are the sites you are going to want to use with Linkbucks. I create banner ad versions of these top sites on Linkbucks. Once you have the new site link, which should look something like this http://4631f5ed.linkbucks.com/ . Go to the site using that link, you are going to see the link in your url bar. Now click the thumbs up button on your Stumbleupon toolbar and you can add your Linkbucks site too Stumbleupons directory! Now people will Stumble onto your Linkbucks site!Sorry for being so quick, I just wanted to get this method out here soon. I use Linkbucks a lot of different ways and I will be sure to make more articles if you’d like!